Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
Member of the Conference Program Committees


Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Members of Magique 3D have been reviewers for the following journals:

  • Applied Numerical Mathematics

  • Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

  • International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

  • Geophysical Journal International

  • IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis

  • SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

  • Computers and Mathematics with Applications

  • Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  • Journal of Computational Physics

  • Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Scientific Expertise

  • Julien Diaz was expert for the evaluation of Millennium Science Initiative project for the government of Chile.

Research Administration

  • Hélène Barucq has been the chairwoman of the local jury of Inria competitive selection for Young Graduate Scientists (CR2) in Bordeaux. She has been part of a working group dealing with the new strategic plan of Inria. In January 2017, she has been appointed chairwoman of the committee created by the regional council of Nouvelle Aquitaine. She is in charge of the scientific evaluation of research projects in Mathematics, Informatics, Electronics, Optics. She is the scientific head of the project DIP since its creation in 2009.

  • Juliette Chabassier is member of the Inria BSO Young Researcher Committee and of the Inria BSO Center Committee. She is member of the Workgroup for sustainable development at Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.

  • Julien Diaz is elected member of the Inria Technical Committee and of the Inria Administrative ans Scientific Boards. He is appointed member of the CDT (Commission de Développement Technologique)

  • Mamadou N'Diaye is member of the Center Committee of Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.

  • Victor Péron is appointed member of the CJC (Commission Jeunes Chercheurs) of Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.